Illustration of a camera shooting on a colored background

Audiovisual Production

We create digital training courses tailored to your needs and your environment.

That goes without saying. But we also make them effective.

HOW? By looking at each project with fresh eyes to adopt the best instructional approach and select the most relevant media : an interview here, a podcast there, an interactive video, a motion design, …

WHY? To immerse your employees in fun, interactive and engaging learning experiences.

Designing instructional Videos

Present a concept? Describe a process?
Demonstrate a technique? Raise awareness?

Presenting a concept?
Describing a process?
Demonstrating a technique?
Raising awareness?

Video is a powerful communication tool. It is stimulating and engaging. It facilitates understanding, improves recall and fosters a culture of sharing within the organisation.

At eSkills, we draw inspiration from the web, journalism and film to create innovative training video concepts. Everything is done in-house, in our studio in Geneva.

Designers and technical teams work together throughout the project to ensure that the expected result, budget and deadlines are met.


production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, le MOOC


Your experts speak directly to the learners through the camera.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, l'interview


Sharing experiences and best practice. The camera creates a connection and enables peer-to-peer learning.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, la fiction


Case studies designed to provoke reaction and facilitate understanding, performed by professional comedians.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, la série web

Web series

Ideal for keeping your staff smiling and engaged throughout the entire training session.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, le tutoriel


To introduce and explain how to use a tool, a machine or a software.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, la vidéo 360°


To dive in an immersive experience, to visit a place or experience a scene from the inside.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, la vidéo interactive


To interact with the video and discover the consequences of a decision.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, la vidéo de bande annonce


To promote an e-Learning module and motivate employees to take the course.


Source : Mon entreprise responsable – Etat de Genève

Motion design is a valuable teaching tool because it combines language with images. There is nothing like it to illustrate a concept or explain a process.

Our strength lies in understanding the message that needs to be conveyed in order to illustrate it coherently. We use all our skills to achieve a high quality result, from script writing and sound design to the creation of graphic elements.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, le motion design animé

Animated video

Using illustrations, infographics and keywords to support the voice-over.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, le motion design avec illustrations


To tell a story in pictures and add emotion to educational videos.

teaching with AUDIO recordings

Audio fiction, news and podcasts… audio formats for entertainment or information have taken over our speakers and headphones. So why not use them in an e-learning module?

These audio media add variety to digital training, allow for longer developments and sometimes help experts who are uncomfortable in front of a camera to share their knowledge.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, les formations en audio : la fiction sonore

Audio fiction

Simpler to produce than a video, but just as effective in engaging the audience.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, l'interview


To interview an expert without the constraints and stress of the camera.

production audiovisuelle pour e-learning, les formations en audio : le podcast


Structures and facilitates a relaxed discussion between peers or experts to learn from their experiences.

Our team

Produce media for your e-learning modules in our studio in Geneva or directly on your premises.

L'équipe de tournage réalise une vidéo dans les locaux d'eSkills.
Studio de production audiovisuelle e-learning chez eSkills
L'équipe de tournage réalise une vidéo dans les locaux d'eSkills.