Blended learning

Blended learning is a form of hybrid or mixed learning in which stand-alone training modules such as e-Learning or mobile learning are alternated with classroom sessions.


The advantage of this type of training is that you get the benefits of each different format while minimising their challenges.

The need to travel to the training’s location is limited, but there is still human contact built in, which allows for more discussion and personalisation.

But what else?

Blended learning is suitable for longer courses which require investment on the part of the participants, whether it be during periods of practical application or research. The structure of a blended learning course depends mainly on the objectives of the course.

Theoretical parts can be managed in person when there is practical work to be done and knowledge can be consolidated and validated online using quizzes, serious games, etc.

Depending on the target audience, digital materials can be used to offer blended e learning solutions that enable learners to work at their own pace, followed by face-to-face sessions where they can ask questions and compare their discoveries with other participants.

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