In 2022, the DGDERI has developed a support programme around Corporates Digital Responsibility (CDR)
In this context, eSkills has been commissioned to create an awareness module for entrepreneurs from small and medium-sized enterprises in the State of Geneva.
Objective: To raise the curiosity and interest of this audience in Digital Responsibility by presenting it not as a constraint but as a strategic opportunity.
We have therefore imagined an express and very fun course built around two fictitious entrepreneurs and their digital issues. Data protection, environmental impact, artificial intelligence, etc. the main subjects of CDR are tackled along the adventures of Paul and Lucie and through original formats: sketches, motion design, surveys, etc.
It was during this project that we created SwissPoll with our friends from A digital (and responsible) survey tool, completely swissmade, which does not collect any data on the respondents.
23, rue des Eaux-Vives –
1207 Genève – Suisse
+41 22 700 12 01
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