In the framework of a regional project set up in the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali), the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) wanted to create a blended learning course to introduce the notions of governance and reform of the security sector.
This module can be offered to armed forces, members of parliaments or civil society actors, so we wanted to represent this diversity in the experts contributing to the course, including researchers, representatives of armed forces and international organisations. Each section of the course concludes with an individual or collective reflection activity, which can be organised either face-to-face or remotely, depending on the needs of the DCAF teams.
This project involved numerous remote interviews with experts in the field on technical topics related to security issues. We also had to design a number of production activities to stimulate thought and interaction between the participants. In accordance with our client’s needs, we developed the course and the various media on Easy Generator, while respecting DCAF’s visual identity.
“Our partnership with eSkills has been a great success. We were facing huge difficulties to create an eLearning course by ourselves and eskills team members knew how to adapt their methods to fulfill our requirements. They proposed a very interesting pedagogical approach, they had been able to adapt to a specific content (security sector governance) and to a specific audience (security sector members) and to proposed accurate and attractive digital media.
They allowed us to create an accurate e-learning course, adapted to our audience, from members of parliaments to security forces members. They ran interviews with our partners to illustrate the course through concise but precise examples. Since the official launch last year, the e-learning has been used on a regular basis, by our partners in Burkina Faso, in Mali and in Niger”.
Apolline Gagliardi, Advisor, Defense and Security sector governance, DCAF
23, rue des Eaux-Vives –
1207 Genève – Suisse
+41 22 700 12 01
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