formation vidéo


Production of a series to promote Geneva's terroir

Do you know OPAGE? It’s the Office de Promotion des Produits Agricoles de Genève, which has been working since 1995 to promote agricultural products from the canton of Geneva! You may not know it, but Geneva is not just home to banks and watches. The canton is also a veritable agricultural land.

But Geneva’s producers face stiff competition from foreign producers, and they also come up against certain prejudices that are firmly entrenched in the minds of the canton’s consumers… And yet, eating locally has many virtues. In particular, it reduces the carbon footprint associated with imports.

Formation RSE


How can we promote Geneva’s agricultural practices and explain the benefits of eating locally?

The OPAGE has asked eSkills to design and produce a series of educational, offbeat videos for broadcast on social networks. The aim of these videos is to deconstruct consumers’ preconceptions and explain the context so that everyone can make up their own minds. Are you wondering why OPAGE chose eSkills rather than a communications agency?

Quite simply because these videos have to be produced from an educational angle. Education is a powerful communication tool, and when combined with video, eSkills turns it into a super-powerful digital learning tool!

Réalisation vidéo rse

Pedagogy and digital learning: let me explain!

How do you root out consumer prejudices?

The eSkills team came up with the idea of a couple who represent Geneva consumers. In a humorous tone, the man embodies the most common preconceived ideas, while the woman deconstructs them using concrete facts and clear explanations.

Each episode has the same structure with the same couple (thanks to comedians Marie Bétrisey and Sarkis Ohanessian) and also features a different expert depending on the theme of the episode (producer, government representative, restaurateur etc.)… This person answers technical questions or shares his or her practical experience on the subject.

To see what happens (and learn all about growing cardoon in Geneva), we’re sharing our favourite episode with you. And if, after watching this episode, you feel like eating some thorny silver cardoons from Plainpalais, then we’ve won our bet!